Intent (What we want to do)
At Wath C of E, children receive a rich curriculum which offers a range of skills, enabling children to develop their creative, technical and practise skills to participate within a developing world.
A repertoire of skills and knowledge are taught through design and practical skills.
Children will understand aesthetic, social and environmental issues to design and produce a produce; recognising a purpose and audience and later evaluating to make changes and adaptations to suit its purpose.
While making, children, where possible are given a choice and a range of tools to choose freely from.
Design Technology allows children to become discriminating and informed consumers and potential innovators.
The design process is relevant in context, to give meaning to learning.
Developing children’s abilities and skills to allow them to contribute to a healthy lifestyle and become involved in the awareness of food safety.
Children build and develop from previously taught skills to ensure the progression and transfer of learnt abilities to further design, plan and evaluate further projects and products.
We aim to inspire children to access opportunities and experiences that will be interesting and memorable.
Throughout self-reflection the children are taught how to be resilient to achieve their goals.
The EYFS children explore different media and experience with a range of tools to develop techniques and skill. They experiment to seek form and functions to plan and design. The children explain and explore their process and discover how tools work. Section?
Ensure all children have access to the Design Technology curriculum through quality-first, inclusive teaching and minimise and where possible remove any barriers to pupils participating in all DT learning.
Implementation (How we will do it)
The teaching and implementation of the Design and Technology Curriculum at Wath C of E is based on the National Curriculum and where appropriate, is linked to topics to ensure a well-structured approach to this creative subject. Whilst designing and making, it will be evidence that:
The children are observed being creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team
Children display the ability to manage risks exceptionally well to create products safely and hygienically
It is evident that planning and delivery is built around essential knowledge and key skills.
Planning overviews show year group expectations, continuity and progress.
Children are observed using tools effectively and safely.
Learning is organised into 4 main areas Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems, Structures, Textiles and Cooking and Nutrition.
All teaching of design and technology follows the design, make and evaluate cycle.
Retrieval is used during each lesson to ensure the recall of children’s working memory. This reflects key vocabulary, techniques and skills from previous topics and coverage.
When evaluating, children evaluate their own products against a design criteria and children are able to reflect their prior learning using technical knowledge and vocabulary.
Quality First teaching in Design Technology includes reasonable adjustments and adaptations to ensure all children can access learning for example, the selection of tools on offer and how these can be differentiated. The skill level required to manipulate a product and scaffolding needed to achieve the child’s design outcome.
Impact (What impact will it have?)
Pupils’ learning over time, reflects the intended curriculum, enabling them to confidently talk about and demonstrate their learning.
Children can speak with confidence about what they have learnt and how they can apply this to other parts of their learning.
A selection of evidence will be obtained such as design formats, finished products including a show case of products being used/performed.
Teacher assessment will be gathered and used to ensure good learning and development for all children
All children will make expected progress
Children are able to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
Children can retrieve past and present vocabulary, knowledge and skills based on prior learning.
At Wath C of E, the children understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to prepare or cook safely
In the Early Years, creations are shared and celebrated with children explaining the process they have used.
Pupils with SEND make progress in Design Technology. When expected progress is not made, plans are put in place to address this and allow for accelerated progress through additional provision in class, external agency support and family discussions.