Mrs Gill

Mrs Welsh
Mrs Ball
During year 3 we will explore all things Stone Age! We will become historians, archaeologists and even… cavemen by exploring the interesting methods of how prehistoric people survived the savage Stone Age. We will travel further through history and discover how they developed into the Bronze and Iron Age looking at their clothes, houses and food. Later on in the year we will be explorers travelling the globe comparing how similar and different the UK is to both Europe and South America.
Spring term will bring our first whole class guided reading where we will get lost in a book together. A story about a mysterious, magical hotel and some very strange trolls who are up to no good… Towards the end of year 3 we will be channelling our inner wizard and explore all there is to know about magic! Investigating famous magicians will allow us to create our own tricks and riddles that will make everyone GASP! Throughout the year we will get the chance to work alongside the church and listen to stories and lessons about the Christian faith and how we can become the best and most kind people we can be.
At the end of every day after working hard and having lots of fun, we will read our class novel together. Books that will make our imaginations run wild…stories about a giant man made of iron and a boy with a secret pet dragon.
Year 3 will be a wonderful year full of fun and we cannot wait to be with you all.
Hello, my name is Mrs Gill and I cant wait to teach you in September! My family and I have an allotment and we have lots of animals including chickens! I love reading and I am looking forward to sharing stories with you. I also love baking, long walks and spending times with my family in the countryside.