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Information for Parents

Members of the public with any queries can contact Mrs L Lanceley in the school office by telephone on 01709 760471, or by email at

Term Dates 2024/2025

Autumn 1 - 2024
INSET: Monday 2nd September

Tuesday 3rd September -  Friday 25th October

Half Term
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Autumn 2 - 2024
Monday 4th November - Friday 20th December

Christmas Holidays
Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January

Spring 1 - 2025

Monday 6th January - Friday 14th February

Half Term
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February

Spring 2 - 2025
Monday 24th February - Friday 28th March

Easter Holiday

Monday 31st March - Friday 11th April

Summer 1 - 2025

Monday 14th April - Thursday 22rd May

Good Friday 18th April

Bank Holiday Monday 21st April

May Day Monday 5th May

INSET: Friday 23rd May

​Half Term
Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May

Summer 2 - 2025

Monday 2nd June - Friday 18th July

INSET:  Monday 21st July

INSET: Tuesday 22nd July

INSET: Wednesday 23rd July

School Closes for the Summer Holidays Friday 18th July

Our School Day

F1 AM Drop off at 8:45 (rear of school) Pick up at 11:45 (front of school)

F1 PM Drop off at 12:15 (front of school) Pick up at 3:15 (rear of school)

F2 – 8.40am to 8.50am arrival with the register called at 8.55am. Finish at 3.10pm (rear of school)

KS1 – 8.40am doors open with the register called at 8.45am. Finish at 3.15pm (front of school) - KS1 week 32 hours and 30 minutes

KS2 – 8.40am gates open with the register called at 8.50am. Finish at 3.20pm (rear of school) - KS2 week 33 hours and 20 minutes

Our School Staffing

You can download the Wath Church of England Primary School Staffing Structure 2024 25 below.

Staffing Structure

2024 2025

Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club

During term time, our Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday from 7.45am and is open to all children in our school from F2 to Year 6. Please note that the gate will shut at 8.05am to give the children plenty of time to eat their breakfast. Each morning the children are able to enjoy a healthy breakfast in a relaxed setting whilst also having to time to participate in a range of engaging activities with other pupils and adults before the school day starts. The club runs until the beginning of the school day at 8.35am, when the children are escorted to their classrooms.

Breakfast Club costs £3.00 per session. All sessions for Breakfast Club are to be booked in advance by calling or emailing the school office. Please ensure you have confirmation and have paid for the session before sending your child to breakfast club.

Breakfast Club Policy

After School Childcare

After school childcare is provided on the Wath CofE Primary School site in the school hall and playground area from the end of the school day until 5.45pm Monday to Friday by Fun 4 U. The children take part in a range of games, crafts and active opportunities. For further details, please contact Fun 4 U on the details below.

Telephone: 07884 072141         Email:

After School Clubs - Autumn 2


Worship Club with Mrs Horner, Mrs Yates and Mrs Parker on Mondays after school. All year groups. 

Singing Club with Mrs Jones, Mrs Winstanley and Mrs Ashton on Mondays after school. KS2 children. 

Foundation 2 and KS1 Come and Play with Mrs Chant and Miss Pape.



Y5/6 Girls' Football Club with Mr Logan and Mrs Goddard after school on Tuesdays.

KS2 Creative Writing Club with Mrs Wilby.

Y5/6 Robotics Club with Mr Harpur.

Y3/4 Lego Club with Mrs Newton and Mrs Vaughan.



Year 3 and 4 Drawing Club with Mr Beevor. 

Year 3, 4 and 5 Yoga with Mrs Sandberg. 

PHSE Ambassadors with Miss Goddard. All year groups. 









School Uniform

Every child is expected to come in school uniform each day. The details of our uniform are as follows.

White blouse, grey skirt or grey/black trousers, or grey / black pinafore, white shirt, red cardigan / sweater, black shoes. In summer, children may choose to wear a red and white checked dress or shorts. 

Children should wear black flat heeled shoes, but may change into black plimsolls as an alternative.

Whilst we recognise the desire for children to be fashionable, smart and tidy, some hairstyles can be a distraction in school. We ask for your support in sending your child to school with an acceptable hairstyle.

Nail varnish or false nails are not to be worn in school. 

Please mark all your child's clothing with his/her name. Any items that are misplaced can then be easily returned.

Buy Uniform Online

Uniform Policy

The school cannot accept responsibility for personal items at school. There is a box of lost property where misplaced items are placed. If your child brings home the wrong article of clothing by mistake we would appreciate it if you could ensure that it is returned to school at the earliest convenience.

The governors do not consider that tattoo transfers are appropriate in school. Wristwatches are allowed but any other form of jewellery is not permitted. If your child has pierced ears they may wear studs. We suggest that children should wait until the school holidays if parents decide to have their ears pierced.

Children to come to school in their school PE kit on their classes allocated days. PE kit is a white t-shirt, trainers and black shorts or jogging bottoms.  Children can wear their school jumper or fleece on these days. 

Girls might choose to wear a games skirt for games activities or a leotard for gymnastics lessons. Please do not allow your child to bring large sports bags to school, as we cannot offer storage facilities for such large items. Please note that P.E. is a statutory subject and all children must participate.

School Curriculum

As part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive and inclusive education, we offer a Religious Education (RE) curriculum that explores various beliefs and practices from around the world.

We understand that some families may have personal or religious reasons for preferring their children not to participate in this curriculum. We want to remind you of your right to withdraw your child from all or part of the RE lessons.

If you wish to exercise this right, please inform us in writing, specifying whether you would like your child to be withdrawn from all RE lessons or only specific parts. We will work with you to ensure that your child receives appropriate alternative educational activities during these times.

Please see further information on our school curriculum on the curriculum pages. 

Remote Education Offer

Our school is committed to ensuring quality education for all students, including during periods when in-person attendance isn't possible. Following government guidance, we provide structured and accessible remote education, prioritising learning which is as close to classroom activities as possible. We collaborate closely with families to support engagement and address challenges. Remote learning is designed as a short-term solution, emphasising safety, inclusivity, and continuity of education. For further details, visit the government guidance on remote education.

Class Dojo

As a teacher, I will...

● Post announcements, files, events, and reminders to our Class Story

● Share photos and videos of classroom activities, lessons, and more on our Class Story and through Messages

● Send private messages to keep you in the loop

● Like and leave positive feedback on students’ Portfolios

Students will...

● Share classwork and complete assigned Activities on their Portfolio

● Watch and comment on lessons posted to our Class Story and access shared files

● Be sure that only their own family members are connected to their account and will be able to view my work

Families will...

● Like and/or comment on photos, videos, Events, and files shared on Class Story  

● Like and leave positive feedback on their student’s Portfolio

● Communicate with the teacher with private direct messaging

● Translate any message or Class Story caption into your preferred language as needed

Please see the videos below for help on using Class Dojo.

Class Dojo Guide




Class Dojo Website


ECO4 FLEX is a retrofit scheme overseen by Rotherham Council Metropolitan Borough. It aims to improve the energy efficiency of low income and vulnerable households.

You may be eligible if:

·       Your gross household income of less than £31,000.


·       You meet at least two of the several proxies listed online. (One is free school meals)


·       Can obtain an NHS referral due to long term illness that could be affected by a cold home.


Only properties with a home EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) of band D or lower can qualify for this scheme (E or lower for private rentals).

Click on the flyer to view it full size.

ECO4-FLEX - Flyer A5 1pp 2024.jpg
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