Reading for Pleasure

Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child's future success. - OECD 2002
We Love Reading!
At Wath CofE Primary School, we recognise the importance of raising confident and enthusiastic readers and the impact this can have on a child’s future aspirations and achievements. All our staff prioritise reading and we provide a reading rich environment from Foundation 1 to Year 6. Children in all classes enjoy daily class novels read by the class teacher, guided reading lessons, Book babble sessions, reading for pleasure time each day and reading in other areas of the curriculum. This gives the children the opportunity to develop expression and extend their vocabulary whilst learning a variety of other reading skills.
In Foundation Stage and Key Stage One, children develop their ability to read words and sentences using Letters and Sounds to support their phonic skills. At the end of Key Stage One and into Key Stage Two, children develop a deeper understanding of texts by enhancing their comprehension skills using VIPERS.
Reading Recommendations
As well as reading quality texts to the children, we want to be able to signpost books that the children might like to read so they are expanding their range of interest and knowledge of authors they like. We do this through our book babble sessions and an in depth knowledge of the reading habits of the children in our class. Teacher recommendations are displayed around school. The headteacher also recommends books where he gives children from different year groups the chance to read books he has enjoyed. The children are selected by their class teachers for effort in reading in school. They choose a book with the headteacher so he can be part of browsing and discussion when each child selects a book. After they have read the book, the headteacher discusses the book with the child before they return it.
Reading Raffle
We encourage children to read 5 times a week. Children can build up to this in class and at home. Every child who achieves 5 reads is entered into our reading raffle and each term children are selected to choose a book from our reading tree.
Try these websites for more advice and tips on encouraging reading for pleasure at home.